PD  Charger
PD Charger

Ingacom GaN features the advantages including:

· Excellent Figure-of-Merit (RON*QG) and device performance

· High threshold voltage with wide adjustable range, high noise immunity and excellent gate reliability

· Si-compatible gate voltage range (±20V), large gate swing, highly reliable, no clamping circuit or negative gate bias needed

· Compatible with conventional gate drivers for Si MOSFETs, capable to directly replace Si devices without any extra changes, low R&D cost, short iteration cycle and fast design-in with low risks.

Model nameOutput PortTopologyPicture
IGC6041-33W-DB1  1CFlybackPD  Charger
IGC6041-33W -DB21C1AFlybackPD  Charger
IGC6021S-45W -DB12CFlybackPD  Charger
IGC6021-65W -DB11CFlybackPD  Charger
IGC6021-65W -DB21CFlybackPD  Charger
IGC6011-100W-DB12C2APFC+FlybackPD  Charger
IGC6011-120W-DB12C2APFC+LLCPD  Charger